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Issue 5, 1996

Table of Contents

20 Miles to go?

22 Women at work

28 True Crime

3 First Word
The editor's turn

4 Lift the Chorus
California sixth-graders write in to say why they want to be Jayhawks

8 Jayhawk Walk
Backpack in time, Burroughs treks up the Hill, band buzz

10 Hilltopics
News and notes, in eluding the death of Chancellor Deane Malott, cash for teachers, looking for black holes and more

15 Explore
Roger Martin examines gene theories

16 Sports
Football follies, Jacque Vaughn goes to his left, taking Pride in women's basketball.

32 Association News
Rock Chalk Ball redux, Homecoming pictures, and a news staff member

34 Association Calendar
The latest on Learned Club and chapter events, plus Jayhawk Society news

36 Class Notes
Meet the latest generation of Jayhawks

56 In Memory
Deaths in the KU family

58 Schoolwork
News from academe

64 Hail to Old KU
Birthday bird