News briefs

New beetle species, Astronaut Scholars, name changes

Lift the Chorus

issue 2, 2020 hail to old ku, other articles The reviews are in Wow! Great new overall presentation of our trusted magazine! Your research, discussions and decisions have provided us with a clean, sharp and modern magazine. I have always enjoyed the publication cover to cover each issue and now look forward to this bright […]

Magazine makeover

issue 1, 2020 hail to old ku, other articles BY DAVID JOHNSTON Welcome to the next era of Kansas Alumni. After many months of research, brainstorming, choosing and planning, the redesigned magazine makes its debut with this Issue No. 1, Winter 2020, a quarterly print format, beginning, of course, with the new logo (or nameplate, […]

News Briefs

Alumna becomes fourth KU astronaut, study details former journalists’ emotional health, ROTC students honored

The Messenger

Scholar, adventurer, entrepreneur Len Necefer uses old ways and new to persuade world that wildlands are worth saving