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Freshly hatched: Jayhawk statue debuts on Ascher Plaza

More bronze birds have perched in front of the Kansas Union.

by Kansas Alumni staff

A new brood of Jayhawks has taken up residence outside the Kansas Union on Ascher Plaza. Unveiled in September, the “Jayhawk Nest” statue depicts three fledglings—including the 1912 Jayhawk—watched over by an elder bird.

The monument joins the six other bronze Jayhawks sculpted by artist Robin Richerson to chronicle the mascot’s evolution. The entire flock was made possible by James Ascher Sr., ’51, and his family. Pleased with the first six statues, Ascher approached the Union about another work to represent new generations of Jayhawks.

When the Nest was unveiled Sept. 23, retired Union director David Mucci described Ascher, who died in February, as clever, playful and imaginative. “He came up with this, and not only envisioned it, but also, in his usual way, pushed it to materialization,” Mucci said.

Thanks to Ascher’s vision and generosity, the forever-young flock—fueled by an occasional gummy worm—will welcome Jayhawks long into the future.

Photos by Steve Puppe
Issue 4, 2022


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